Thursday, November 26, 2009

The season of giving

Welcome to the season of giving, don't forget to give.

here are some lyrics from a new song i found in a ski movie. click here to hear it.

How did Mandela get the will to surpass the everyday,
When injustice had him caged and trapped in every way,
How did Ghandi ever withstand the hunger strikes and all,
Didn't do it to gain power or money if I recall,
It's to give; I guess I'll pass it on,
Mother thinks it'll lift the stress of babylon,

Dear mama, you helped me write this, by showing me to give is priceless.

Dear Africa, you helped me write this, by showing me to give is priceless.

Nothing is perfect man, that's what the world is,
All I know is, I'm enjoying today.
You know, 'cause it aint everyday that you get to give.

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