Tuesday, September 2, 2008

To the owner of the gold Hyundai:

You have parked your ugly gold Hyundai in my underground parking spot. This is the third time I have come home to find your crappy car in my spot. The underground parking is NOT open game, 12 apartments and 12 parking spots, see the correlation between the number of parking spots and the number of apartments? The large number "8" spray painted on the wall means that it is my spot. So, if you don't live in number 8, which you don't, don't park in that spot.

I know who you are, thanks to my handy dandy ward directory. Kinda funny how only one guy in the ward is from Oregon, right? You live in number 12, thus if you are going to park in the underground parking lot you must park in the number 12 spot. If one of your roommates has already parked there you may park behind the building, those spots are all free game. If, by chance, all of those spots are taken you cannot park underground in the number 8 spot, and therefore you must find a spot on the street. I know it may be hard to find a spot on the street. Sorry. I'm mostly sorry that you have not figured out what the "8" on the wall means...

This is visual proof:

This is where you should park:

Just in case you don't know where the street is...


Jason & Shannon said...

Haha. I hate it when people are stupid!!!!!!!!

Janna Mills said...

hahaha i hit my head on the wood of the couch this is so funny! p.s. great shirt :)

Nate said...


Abbie said...

Hopefully they read your blog....

Laney said...

I'm glad you changed your picture up top. Your roommates ties were too short and it was bugging me. And, concerning this post, slash Oregon's tires. There is no room for stupid people in this world. Good riddance.